If you are having trouble to get your blog indexed by search engines or you are unaware of it, then you must be thinking to do something very quickly. Indexing by major search engine is really important to get traffic to your blog and it’s an important SEO factor too.
In this article I will tell you the simple steps that every blogger can do to get your blog indexed by Google, Yahoo and Bing as quickly as possible.
First of all, check whether your blog is already index by search engines by searching forsite:www.your-blog.com in search boxes of respective search engines. If you think you are not happy with the results then here is a check list.
Add your Blog's Sitemap to Google Webmasters
It’s very important to add your site or blog’s sitemap to Google Webmasters as well as other major Search Engines' Webmasters as it will tell the search engines when your blog is getting updated so that it can add that page to their indexes. You may want to read the tutorial about How to Submit Blogger's sitemap to Google Webmasters.
Submit Blog to Social Bookmarking Sites
There is a lot of bookmarking sites. So, choose some higher PageRank, also known as PR, social bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon to submit your blogs because Google bots frequently visits theses high PR sites looking for new content in it. You can also add social bookmarking icons so that interested people can bookmark your posts.
So, when Google spiders start crawling the website and finds your blog link, it will automatically follow that link and will crawl to your blog and start indexing. But remember, too much self-promotion can hurt your blog.
Submit Articles to Article Directories
Write an article and submit it to article directories like Ezine. But don’t forget to put a link of your blog in that article. This not only helps you to get your blog indexed but also brings you traffic.
Submit your Blog to Blog Directories
I think I don’t have to explain this one as this formula works just works like the above techniques. So submit your blog to directories under your niche. Some of them are Technorati, BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog.
Start Commenting on Do-Follow Blogs
“DoFollow” don’t exist but it has a meaning. That is, it does not contain rel=”nofollow” tags in their comment section. So start commenting whenever you come across these blogs under your niche.
Whenever Google comes across to that do-follow blog and found your site’s address in the comment sections, it will automatically follow that link and starts indexing your blog at the same time. But remember, Don’t Spam, because, the administrator will delete that comment in no time. Comments such as just “Thanks” or adding E-mail address or adding links to Spam sites and etc are always considered as Spam comments.
So, don't just sit there, start doing what you need to do first to get you blog indexed as quickly as possible by following the above methods. You will find that you got your blog indexed within 48 hours by major Search Engines.
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